A majority of readers would now vote to REMAIN in the European Union bucking the way the region voted six months ago in the referendum, according to a new Express & Star survey.
The poll – the biggest online news questionnaire this paper has carried out – saw nearly 10,000 people respond to five questions on what readers thought of Brexit since the historic vote.
Six in 10 said they would now vote to ‘remain’ in the EU, a huge shift from the 80 per cent who said they intended to vote to leave in our original poll in March.
On June 23, the Black Country and Staffordshire overwhelmingly voted to leave the EU with an average of 59 per cent in the West Midlands backing the likes of Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, and Michael Gove.
The change of voting intentions to Remain equates to a shift of some 46 percentage points based on our March poll – and a shift of 21 percentage points based on the actual referendum vote in the region.
While there is still division over how millions of people would vote if given a second opportunity, there is a clear consensus that Express & Star readers are not happy with the the Government’s handling of Brexit.
In our survey a huge 86 per cent said they were ‘not satisfied’ with how the process was being handled.
And nearly three quarters of people – 73 per cent – said they did not think Britain would have left the European Union by April 2019 – the two year deadline after Article 50 is invoked.
South Staffordshire MP Gavin Williamson, Prime Minister Theresa May’s enforcer in the Commons, today said: “We have had a referendum and the the people said they wanted to leave – we have to deliver on their wish.
“In places like South Staffordshire, Wolverhampton, Walsall, Sandwell, and Dudley there were large votes to leave. That is the result we have to take notice of.
“Obviously there are lots of people who want the Government to set out in detail what it is going to be asking for and what it is pushing for.
"The Government has made it clear that we want control of our borders, want out of the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, and establish our own sovereignty over our laws – we can’t be more explicit than that.
“We had a vote in the House of Commons and overwhelmingly MPs backed the Government’s decision to invoke Article 50 by the end of March next year.”
Reacting to the latest survey, Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron, who has called for a second referendum on the terms of Brexit, said: “The issue isn’t whether you voted leave or remain, it is about how the Conservative Brexit government has made such a monumental mess of leaving.
“It is clear they had absolutely no plan, and six months on they still don’t. Even on the fundamental question of whether Britain should remain in the world’s largest market, Conservative ministers are at war with each other.
“I have people in my own family who voted Leave. But increasingly people who did vote Leave see that this divided and uncaring government is letting them down. It will be the British people who end up picking up the Brexit tab for Conservative incompetence.”
Our survey also found that 52 per cent of people think MPs should vote the same way as their constituents if there was a Commons vote, and 54 per cent of people did not believe rebel Conservative MPs should resign the party whip if they failed to back Mrs May.
The Express & Star’s original survey caught national attention as it was the first major poll conducted by a newspaper predicting a ‘leave’ result.